Now that our presentations, wikis and assignments are finished, it's time to finish off my series of blog posts on the elective.
We started this elective in January and at the time I wasn't so sure about my competence with technologies in the classroom. But through practice and a lot of trial and error I believe I have learnt a few new things.
The main changes I have noted however were my opinions of technology. For me technology was something I used at home and on the move but something I never noticed at school. I think that was mainly due to the way in which computer games and mobile phones were treated at my school. I remember Game Boy consoles, PSPs, iPods and mobile phones were confiscated if the teacher saw them.
I now see the importance of how we relate to technology. It's something, that as educators, we should embrace and use to our advantage. There's been a grey area for too long about how technology should be used in the classroom, usually due to head teachers' opinion of the dangers of video games and mobile technology.
"It's the menace that everyone loves to hate but can't seem to live without".
Paddy Chayefsky, said this about television. I believe it to be true to technology as a whole in this digital age.